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Days: 223.3
Mean Score:
- Watching43
- Completed1,243
- On-Hold235
- Dropped101
- Plan to Watch824
- Total Entries2,446
- Rewatched10
- Episodes15,391
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Days: 38.1
Mean Score:
- Reading52
- Completed135
- On-Hold60
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read168
- Total Entries415
- Reread4
- Chapters5,124
- Volumes515
All Comments (9888) Comments
I wish i could force myself to stop forcing myself to watch stuff, but i caaannn''ttt :( I have a problem. Ahhh the UU anime, i would still recommend it but it did get worse after that one ep. They clearly needed it to end on a specific place, so a lot of stuff is dragged out like those shounen anime of old lol. I'd probably recommend the manga more at this point. As it's a Disney Plus series, so it's not on CR! And so you should like that! Why not show off to people? >:) The male cat is called Nacho (coz he's orange, very original lol) and the girl is called Amber. They are now both older and little shits, but still cute. Sometimes, i think cats are smarter than they let on, they probably just pretend to be a bit dumb so that silly, gullible humans like us can help them lol. It was so long ago i don't remember how long it lasted, but it must've been ok, since i'm still here and haven't really been ill since! Gotta make money! Even by locking stuff out that should not be locked out.....bastards. Hahaa no, we just used one controller back and forth each time one of us died in the game. Well they have three secret bosses and songs, one of which is Sephiroth/One Winged Angel, one of which is the theme of a secret boss from another KH game (KH2 Final Mix, which is like the...directors cut? I guess? version of KH2) and the last one is a song from a boss in KH2 Final Mix as well, but not a secret one, just an additional story mode one that was added in FM. You can see them all here! No spoilers, since the actual bosses don't appear lol There was that one FF7 anime! But it was only a one off special :( I've been good lately, thanks for asking! You? And i actually haven't been up to life is pretty fucking mundane unfortunately lmao, just chugging along in life. I guess i broke up with my GF a few months ago, but this is actually a good thing! Lmao. Anyway, you been up to much? You doing something crazy to make up for my lack of craziness! Jk.
Have you been studying Japanese too and what do you think of Zegapain?
Kana Hanazawa's first anime. That anime came out at the same time I watched the first four episodes of Solty Rei dubbed that was once featured on Anime On Demand. Yes, those two anime are hidden gems of the 2000s.
I was also wondering if you like any Tri-Ace games like Second Story R as of late.
It was going great and then this season started, and now i'm back to watching a lot because it's a good season :( And FOMO makes me force myself to watch stuff lmao, i hate it. But Undead Unluck has it's anime out!! I read the manga and it's great, and the anime is good so far (one ep but still), so that's nice :) Yeah you're lucky if Nintendo do a 10% sale let alone 20 lmao. I don't think you can show them off tbh lol, i'm not really in the loop about how they work, but you get coins and then use them to buy themes or profile icons etc. LOL, that's fair, the Switch is a pretty fun console though they're apparently coming out with a Switch 2 soon, so you might wanna wait for that anyway if you were gonna get one! Hey guess what? I've gotten ANOTHER kitten since then, a calico, i think they're called? So now i have two kittens, they're very cute :) And they are both doing great lol. LOOOOL, i'm the same way! I speak to them like the get me. Tbf if a cat is trusting of you, that probably means they have good, loving owners, so that's nice :) Aww, you seem like a good owner, well done :) Lol yeah apparently there;s a new strain coming this winter, so that's fun. Us Humans are dumb af. Lmao hopefully you don't get it - i was sick recently, i thought it was covid but luckily it wasn't....but still, can never be too careful! One day i'll play Theatrhythm (what a name)! Ahh i think they had some KH songs locked into DLC, but they weren't main themes or anything, so that's kinda annoying on Theatrhythm's part. But yeah the KH one is good! It gets real difficult near the end lol, me and my brother had to work together to beat the final boss on hard hahaha. And they have a super secret "boss" song too that's real hard. Ah man, that sucks.....FF9 is great, seeing it animated would be nice :(
That's the hope! That by reducing the amount i watch per season, i'll just focus on the stuff i reeeeeaalllly like, and then i can reduce the burn out lol. LOL Nintendo don't know wtf a sale is. And when they do put games on for sale, it's like 5% off. Wow, thanks Nintendo! Lol. Haha, they do sometimes kinda have an achievement/trophy systems but it's tied to point/coins? Or something? Eh. They need a proper one imo. Although, then again, there's something nice about having to not "worry" about trophies when playing a game lol. I have no idea, don't ask me about cat breeds, they're all cats to me LOL, but anyway, i have him now! A lil orange and white kitten, he's very cute. And naughty. Lol, cats are skittish creatures by nature, so it's hard to find one that doesn't run immediately :( and then sometimes when i find one that doesn't run away i'm like "damn, you're TOO trusting!" LOL. Aww, i see. Well, one year or 14, i'm sure they were well loved. Is there? I can't lie, i've not heard news about covid for ages now lol. Tbh the anime has now gone on hiatus, so you have plenty of time to catch up! And how is Theatrhythm? I've never played any of those music rhythm games except the Kingdom Hearts one. Oh no, sounds like it's in production hell then. That's a shame :( Haha being a pessimist is fine, you don't need to work on it =P
With how expensive it is these days, i don't blame you for just fronting the cold instead of turning the heating on lmaooo. But yes, it's still better! Well then i also want my name to be special, i refuse to let you have the only special name! No, i refuse to accept responsibility, you must take it all! I never even saw that "sign in, 3 replies" notification in the first place, oddly enough, despite several people complaining about it lol. The views are SO stupid omg, it just clutters the fuck out of the UI and serves no purpose lol, who tf cares how many times a tweet has been seen ffs? Lmao, i even play games in easy mode sometimes, because fuck being stressed about something. Just give me a good story and good characters and good music, and i'm good, a game doesn't need to be hard lol. Play Arts is like the only figure things i've heard of (Except funko pops?) but i still don't know what makes them different from each other lol. But hey if they've started making Persona figures, that'll make them a lot of money! Speaking of Persona, did you hear the rumours of a P3 remake? :o You and me both, my memory is shocking, but for now i'll just assume he's dead till he reappears LOL. Haha, i'll try and get as many trophies as i can during the story, but then after that it's really down to how much i like it lol. Ohhhh, so many! I have like 40~ platinum's i think? Assassin's Creed 2 and Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires were my first though. Most of my plats are short games like Ratchet and Clank, Spider-Man etc., rather than long JRPGS types lol.
You can do it! Although, i think you'll start catching up now, i'm finally getting a burnt out from anime, i'm gonna reduce how much i watch by a lot probably ;( It's not great lol, even Switch games are going up in price now, smh. It was horrible, both times, but i rationalise it by thinking it was their time to go and they had a good life :) I'm thinking of getting another cat soon now though. Cats are the greatest pets! It's not even close! LOL hahah, every time i see a cat out in the wild i lose all rational thought, they're just so cute! Did you ever have pets in the past then? Haha, same, i like to think of some games as an interactive movie of sorts. Fucking covid, even now it messes with us! But anyway, i'm actually quite enjoying it. I know some people had problems with episode 1, but i think it's just getting better and better as it goes on. Have you watched it yet? There was supposed to be a FF9 cartoon?? How am i just hearing of this now?? Lol. Damn, that WAS my pessimistic outcome, this just proves that you are indeed a SUPER pessimist D: Indeed, thank you! :D
Yes we are! Look at those outdoor people, getting diseases, getting tired, getting cold. Could never happen indoors! LOL, maybe all of humankind should change their name to your name! Or maybe that would make it lose its affect, maybe it only works when a small number of people have the name lol. Hahahaha i appreciate the belief...if a patient of mine dies, i'm putting the responsibility on you now! Hey but Elon is doing a good job of ruining it though...maybe my dream will come true after all :D Yes! Please play Chrono Trigger! It's SO good lol. That's the spirit, who needs stress like that in games anyway, right? ;) Aerith in a red dress >>>>> but Tifa is finneeeee too. Not really a figure/status collector myself, but they do look nice. LOL, sounds like it! Really? I just think Sonon is dead man, but maybe i'm wrong. It is FF7 after all, maybe he's in the Lifestream or something idk lol. LOL, i just thought it was annoying, and also really slow. I know you could speed it up, but even then. I'm not even a trophy hunter really, but i'll Plat games i really really like haha :)
Miles is a exaggeration you can totally catch up, my rival! See! It's time for the race of a lifetime! Lol. Tbf i live in London. That just makes everything 10x more expensive than it is actually supposed to be looool. I used too! I had 2 cats. But one passed away a few years ago, and the other passed away recently in October. So. :( Do you have pets yourself? Haha i did indeed, and it was still pretty standard. I have to think that upgrading weapons makes the game too easy! Oh god, i'm both dreading and looking forward to the anime. Because it might be really good! :D And also it might be really (soul crushingly) good :( Or it could be shit, who knows, anime adaptations of games are like movie adaptation of games - not a great track record lol. And i have no idea how they're gonna do Nier as an anime, a lot of it's gimmicks are game-specific lol. Hahaha take your time, there's no rush! I'll see you in 5 years when you've finally played one =P Jk. Good to hear!! :) And mine was alright. I'm one of those that doesn't really care about my birthday, so it was pretty much just a normal day, but it was good, thanks =P
Indoor people > outdoor people lmao. Lol thankfully most people at my work place seem to understand covid a lot more than that guy haha. You know, when you put it like that, it really puts into perspective how badass surgeons are lol, there's no way i could do it. I mean i lack the skill obviously, but just ignoring that, all that stress in a small room? Yikes, big avoid lol. Buy Twitter and delete it for me! D: Yeah pretty much, i just think my time is better spent playing new stuff rather than the same stuff over and over...except Chrono Trigger, which i'll replay any day lol. Hahah tbf i kinda get where they're coming from, Souls games being hard is like the whole point of them, but still. Actually no, i haven't seen that! But of course it's expensive, all these bloody statues and figures are Dx So far just Miles Morales and Ratchet & Clank, but i'm gonna get God of War soon and maybe Horizon 2. And yes i believe his name was Sonon....but seems like we won't need to remember him :( RIP. I'll be honest, i was not a fan of Fort Condor in the original either, so i didn't care that they changed it, though they did make it waaaay easier (at least, my memory of the og one is that it was hard, idk lol), so i'll take that. Made getting trophies easier LOL.
Yes, like Dr. Hiluluk says in One Piece "a man dies when he's forgotten", as long as they're remembered, people will live on! I've overtaken you btw, we are neck and neck =P It's weirdly nostalgic, i agree, even though it was terrible LOL. 60 quid?!?! Mate that's like half of what it is here Dx Lmao that would be my motivation too, everybody needs something to get through the day after all lmao. No, you can call him an idiot, because that's what he was, you're fine LOL. The Vaccines's side effects lasted shorter than covid itself at least, so that's one positive lol. I saw all the items needed for upgrading and was like "yeah, i'll just....not do that, and hope i can still beat the game" lol. Oh Pascal!! I forgot about him till you mentioned him, shameful of me. But yes, the conclusion to his story though...... :( Yes please do! The more people get into RGG games, the better =P
Lmao i feel you on that, i'm terrible at socialising so i'd rather stay indoors any day of the week haha. LOL, that guy seems like an idiot. What the hell does educating you on asymptomatic people even do, like he realises asymptomatic people can still pass it on right, hell, they're more liable to pass it on because they don't know they have it. What a tool lol. Also the fact that some people feel like they can't wear masks for a long time is so funny. Like doctors and surgeons wear them for literal hours, you'll be fine lol. And yeah i still unfortunately use Twitter lol, it's like a bad drug addiction, help me. If i ever replay it, i barely replay games to be honest LOL. Hahah if you ever suggest the idea of easy mode to Souls players, they bloody destroy you "it's not in the spirit of the game reeee!!" but yeah, i have no problem watching others play it :P Ah, makes sense, he's a hot vampire guy =P Oh! In the time since we last talked, i finally got a PS5 myself! Intergrade was great. Like you i didn't fight Weiss, but the main story was cool. I really like how they're expanding the world of FF7, it feels so fleshed out!
Yeah, it's unfortunate really...why do all the cool people have to die :( LOL, hey whatever the reason is, i'm just happy if my advice helps you get through some of your gigantic list =P heh, if you want to compete then we can! Bring it on!! I remember having to watch Bleach on youtube and all the eps were split into 3 parts in 360p, ahhh good times. Saving money on commuting is an underrated aspect of working from home. Like day to day, commuting might not seem expensive, but add it all up and you're like "wtf that's a lot" lmao. Pahaha, stock replenisher doesn't sound impressive, you're right, but it's still nice! And yay! If there was any aisle to work in, that's the one i'd pick too, all the cute animals on the boxes! :D Hahaha well the idiot that infected me was my brother, but he's defo still an idiot. Tbh the covid vaccines were worse than the covid itself lmfao. Upgrading the weapons in Replicant!? I'll be real, i didn't upgrade shit, literally all my weapons were level 1 still by the end LOOOL. I loved Replicant anyway! Not as much as Automata, but it was still really good! And my favourite characters would have to be Grimoire Weiss, Emil and 9S. Who do you got as favs? =P And yes i did play that too! As usual with RGG Studios, their games are incredible. Lost Judgment was so bloody good! It had a dark story as well, which i always like =P